Sunday 2 March 2014

Editing OTS: Final Shot by Shot List

After making a presentation on my software available I couldn't upload it to slideshare which I wanted to do so I can experiment with another software so due to these difficulties I've had to export it into a quicktime video and upload it to Vimeo. Here is the final shot by shot list:
Final shot by shot list from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Editing OTS: Feedback Sheet Improvments

After making the improvements our first focus group suggested me and Emily both showed it to other Film Noir enthusiasts. Emily took some sheets and also got some suggestions.
Two of the people watching it whom we got feedback from

A screenshot of Emily's blog post about it and a picture of one of the people she got to watch it
Overall, the feedback we got was mainly positive but there was some improvements suggested which we took action on:
The three improvements were: 
  1. Lengthen the sound of the gunshot 
  2. Changing the gunshot noise to the same time the killer raises his arm as this could be more effective 
  3. Lower the background noise
In response to these we made the following improvements:
  1. First suggestion: due to previously trying to do this and it failing we tried a different route, Emily created another gun shot sound to see if that would be better but after adding it and me asking others for feedback on it, the previous one was said to have been better
    Emily emailed the sound she recorded to me
    I added it in to iMovie to see what it would be like

    1. And after sending her a video and asking others we all agreed the previous one was better
    So after attempting to lengthen the gunshot noise we aren't able too.
  2. Second Suggestion: Me and Emily had actually previously tried to do this before but in the end preferred it where it is placed now due to the suspense it gives and also due to the placement of the voiceover.
  3. Third suggestion: I have muted out the background noise as much as possible but it was challenging due to having to have the volume up enough to hear Emily and Zach's monologue. 

Editing OTS: Focus Group Feedback

M2U00783 from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.

Above is the video of the focus group we did today, we decided to show it too our peers as we wanted critical/technical feedback and thought they would be most appropriate.
Afterwards me and Emily watched over this video and I made a note of all the improvements we needed to make:
As you can see once we made these adjustments we ticked them off
  • As one of the constructive criticisms was that the titles looked like the ending we altered this by adding the titles over the wedding shop scene: 

  • The second was that the gun shot was too short so we tried to overlap and that didn't work so we played around with it in several ways and the sound has now improved
  • Thirdly, some of the shots lingered a little too long so we went through and shortened the lingering ones which now makes the entire OTS better
  • Lastly, it was said that the music pieces being three different ones meant they should overlap and flow into one and due to difficulties we've removed the music piece that was in the titles and have rearranged the two left.
Now the improvements have been made, here is the second cut:

Silent Temptation Cut Two from Sophie M on Vimeo.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Editing OTS: Finished First Cut & Feedback

  • Today me and Emily finished editing our first cut. Here it is:

Silent Temptation from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.

  • To get initial improvements for our OTS we held a focus group with our peers. We chose to do one with our peers as we wanted critical feedback and thought them the most appropriate to learn from. Click here to see the post with their feedback.
  • In order to get  feedback form our target audience and what improvements they think we could make to our OTS, I have made a feedback sheet in which we will give to people who watch it. Here is the feedback sheet:
    When making the feedback sheet I checked with Emily a couple of times that the questions were suitable:

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Editing OTS: Recording Jingle & Adding it to our OTS

  • To record our jingle we simply found two hollow metal objects and pinged them lightly together and the noise that was made resulted in: Jingle Sound from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.
  • Due to me and Emily being unsure on whether the sound fits in with the production logo/entire OTS, we are going to make sure to ask feedback on what they think of it, what could improve it etc. Therefore I will update this post when a final decision is made on the jingle sound.
  • This is where we have added it in our OTS:
    Update: We have decided that the sound is suitable and fits because from the feedback we received it didn't get mentioned and when asked they said they liked it.

Monday 3 February 2014

Editing OTS: Final Music Decision

  • I was allocated with the task to find a suitable back up plan for music (click here to see that post).
  • I managed to find a couple of suitable songs as you can see from the post above but the second song, which we were going to use in the wedding dress shop we changed to use through the titles. Therefore I have now started to search for a more suitable option. 
  • For permission I asked them both if it would be okay to use it (if we credit them) and one has replied and we are still waiting for the other reply. 
  • For the other piece of music we sent another message asking him to let us know via email:
    Since this he has emailed us to let us know. This is his email to us:

  • Update: For the wedding dress shop scene I have managed to find a suitable piece of music: Click here to listen. I have asked for their permission and I am awaiting a reply!
  • He replied and has allowed us to use his music in our piece.

Editing OTS: Final Foleying Experimentation & Adding It To Our OTS

Today we have recorded the foleying noises that we need for our OTS.  I researched this previously (click here to see the post) and we also experimented with it (click here to see that post). After doing both of these we decided it would be best suited for our OTS.

  • Firstly, we recorded the gun shot. Here is a video of us practising creating the gunshot:

This is where the gunshot is placed within iMovie:
The smallest green section is the gunshot. We have placed it where suitable
  • Next we recorded the footsteps and the heavy breathing. Here is us creating firstly the heavy breathing and secondly the footsteps:

  • This video is the sounds we used in our OTS for the heavy breathing and footsteps:

Foleying Sounds from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.
  • Here is where we placed the heavy breathing and footsteps in iMovie:
    It's the 'New Recording' ones
  • For the heavy breathing which is the top one we split it in order to adjust the volume in each clips separately to make the noises more accurate. 
  • Finally, we we're going to try and record a heart beat and once realising the challenges in this decided it wouldn't be necessary in our OTS, we ensured this by asking several peers and they also said that they don't think it would be vital as the sounds we have layered already makes it sound good. 

Editing OTS: Production Logo

Emily has been allocated with the task of creating the production logo for the beginning of our OTS. Once this is created I will update this blogpost with it and we will add it to our OTS.
We have now added this to our OTS. To see Emily's blog post on making it click here.
We've also added transitions either side.
 Here is a video of how the transitions looks:

IMG 9861 from Sophie Mace on Vimeo.

We have yet to create the sound to put with the production logo but will do these asap.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Editing OTS: Researching Music

  • For a back up plan we have decided to research some Film Noir music that we may be able to use. I was allocated with the task to search around for some appropriate choices.
  • I firstly searched on YouTube and then later looked around online.

  • So far I have found some suitable choices and will check them with Emily as soon as possible. I have found one song that I deem appropriate link to the song: Click Here . I have also found a couple of songs an artist has created and they are featured here: Click Here. Once a more final decision has been made I will update this post.
Update: After discussing it with Emily we have decided that the first link is appropriate so we have asked him permission to use his music in our OTS.
What I have asked:
We will hopefully being using that piece in the wedding shop scene and me and Emily both agree that it very suited and will work well.
For the second link we have chosen the song (click here to hear it) as we think the first minute or so is suitable for the first running scene therefore I have also asked him if it would be okay to use his piece:
For more updates on the music for our OTS refer to this post.

Editing OTS: To Do - First Cut

Done  / Currently doing
  • I was allocated with the task of creating a check list of what to do to reach our first cut:
  • Finish adding transitions - Update: We will be able to finish this as soon as we have the production logo.
  • Sort out music for clips - Update: I have now got the music & just have to add it.
  • Foley sounds we need - Gunshot, Footsteps, Heavy Breathing etc Update: We are going to work towards creating these noises next lesson.
  • Add production studios - Update: We will add this as soon as Emily has created it.
When we finish these few steps we will be ready to have a focus group to get feedback on it etc
Update: We have now finished our first cut and to see it and feedback refer to this post: click here.

Strengths: As I have done some editing previously, editing is a fairly strong point for me, although as we are using new software there does come some challenges
Weakness: Making a final decision on some things whilst editing is proving to be a challenge for us as we say "We'll decide later when such of such is done..." and I think to progress more with editing we should be more willing to make final decisions, as they could always be changed. 

Editing OTS: Recording & Adding Voiceover

Voiceovers are considered a typical convention in the Film Noir genre and therefore me and Emily whilst brain storming initial ideas decided to do one would be suitable and effective for our OTS.
  • Today after deciding what to record it on (settled on using the voiceover installed on iMovie already) we recorded the voiceover:
    Here is the picture I took of Emily recording the voiceover.
    Click Here to see the post that includes the script to see what she says.

  • We then started to decided where to place the voiceover. We originally wanted the voiceover right at the start but when testing out the right place we have changed our mind to later in the first section. We may still change the placement when we add the gun shot sound:
    Here is where we have placed the voiceover at the time being.

Friday 31 January 2014

Planning OTS: Health and Safety Checks (Expanded)

Whilst filming health and safety checks we made were:

  • Ensuring Emily was safe whilst running on the cobbled ground as she was wearing heels and it had been/was raining
  • Due to it raining I ensured the equipment we were using was safe and that someone held an umbrella over me whilst filming
  • We were going to have the Femme Fatale without a coat on but due to the weather we found a coat suitable so she wore that. If she hadn't we would of ensured between takes she was warm so she wouldn't get a cold etc.
  • As we were filming on a street were cars have access we made sure no cars were coming prior to pressing record, we did this by somebody being on a look out at all times and warning us with plenty of time so if we had to we could move out of the way safely. 

My first post on Health and Safety: Click Here
The Risk Assessment post: Click Here

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Editing OTS: Transitions & Titles

  • I have started to add in transitions and will continue to do this when next editing as I haven't completely finished adding where necessary.
  • We started the lesson but looking at various fonts and after picking the ideal three:
  • We had a little problem that the title that we had picked wouldn't allow us to change the font so we had to look for another candidate. Once we found another suitable one we asked peers which font they preferred so we have chosen the one in the middle (Zipfino). We then started to create the titles we needed:

    Here you can see the transitions and titles which we added.
    Whilst we had issues with changing the font on our ideal title we searched on the internet too look for a solution: 

Monday 27 January 2014

Editing OTS: Editing Raw Footage & First Cut

  • Today we started to edit together our raw footage and have made all the correct cuts: 
    Here's a picture Emily took just before we started to edit the clips together.
  • We are now beginning to think of whether to follow the B&W scheme throughout - we most likely will. We are going to do some research on whether to. Update: We have decided to use B&W throughout. It will look like: 
  • We're on our way to the first cut which we will later get a focus group to watch and give feedback etc
  • Due to previously editing, it is more of a strong point of mine than Emily's therefore I have taken more of a main role within editing.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Filming OTS: Final Day of Filming Prep & How It Went

23/01/14 - Final day of filming preparation:
  • Tomorrow we are filming the final clips we have to film for our OTS and then next lesson we will start to edit our piece. 
  • In preparation I decided to write a list of all the clips we have to film with the shot/angle etc noted. I did this so we can be as organised as possible 
  • After I did this I confirmed with Emily that what I had written was okay and then the next day we checked over it to ensure it was all fine. 
  • We are planning on going there at 4.45pm and Emily has told Danny and Zach this so therefore I couldn't get a picture of it to go onto my blog.
24/01/14 - How it went:
  • Filming went good. We made a couple of little changes to what I had written the sheet of paper the night before due to not having a shop keepers shoulder and it improving the overall OTS.
  • For Emily's outfit it remained the same apart from the blouse was changed to:
    For Emily's make up she wore red lipstick to make her more Femme Fatale:
    For Emily's make up I looked around on YouTube for a tutorial to find inspiration:
  • Danny and Zach wore the same suit as it wasn't necessary for them to have to wear a different suit as from the way we've filmed it, you can't really notice the fact that they are wearing the same suit. Look here for picture of them in their outfits -click here-

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Filming OTS: Final Outfits

Today we filmed at Elm Hill. Next lessons we can start editing the footage we have and then continue from there.
These where the final outfits of each character:
To the left on this photo is the Anti-Hero and his outfit and to the right is the Killer.
 On this side is the Femme Fatales outfit. I thought the coat was appropriate so therefore we added the coat due to the weather being so cold as it did luckily did go with the Film Noir theme.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Planning OTS: Final Prop & Filming Update

Filming: After organising to film on the 25/01/14 we are now filming tomorrow (22/01/14). We have changed our date again due to one of our actors now being able to film on the date we had wanted previously. So tomorrow we are going to film the outside clips and then on Friday (24/01/14) we are filming the inside clips in Emily's Aunties wedding dress shop.

  • Tomorrow morning whilst at school before we go to film we are going to ask the drama department for a hat to use, if they do say no then it will still be okay to film as the hats are vital. Update: After much deliberation we have decided to not use a hat.
  • After finding out the pistol Emily was going to sort out for us couldn't be used.  I figured out a way to alter the way I am are filming in order for the gun not to have to be shown but still make it clear that a gun is 'used' by adding the gun shot noise. 
  • For the skirt on our Femme Fatale we are now borrowing another friend's as the one we originally were going to borrow now can't led it to us 
  • For the top the Femme Fatale will be wearing I found several blouses and we chose the most appropriate. 
    1st possible option
    2nd option
    3rd option

     After discussing each option we decided the third one would be most suitable.